Do you want to get married in Rome, one of the most enchanting cities in the world?
Vuoi sposarti a Roma, una delle città più incantevoli
del mondo?
Rome is the perfect background for your wedding in Italy. The eternal city is the unique cradle of history and offers an incredible variety of legendary monuments
and treasures that can be the setting for your wedding
Roma è lo sfondo perfetto per il tuo matrimonio in Italia. La città eterna è la culla unica della storia e offre un'incredibile varietà di leggendari monumenti
e tesori che possono fare da cornice al tuo matrimonio

Get married in Rome
Sposarsi a Roma
Do you want to know how to organize a wedding in Rome? Wedding Rome is able to respond to any kind of information and prepare a customized quote. Do not hesitate to contact Wedding Rome, we will give you all kinds of information.
Vuoi sapere come organizzare un matrimonio a Roma?
Wedding Rome è in grado di rispondere a qualsiasi tipo di informazione e preparare un preventivo su misura. Non esitare a contattare Wedding Rome, ti daremo ogni tipo di informazione.

Wedding Planner Rome
Wedding Rome takes care of every organizational aspect of your wedding. From the choice of location, to the accommodations of your guests, to the paperwork to get married in Italy and to everything concerning the organization for your special day. In any city you reside: Bucharest, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, London, Oslo or Moscow Wedding Rome follows you in the practices to marry you in Rome.
Wedding Rome si occupa di ogni aspetto organizzativo del tuo matrimonio.
Dalla scelta della location, alle sistemazioni dei tuoi invitati, alle pratiche burocratiche per sposarsi in Italia e a tutto ciò che riguarda l’organizzazione per il tuo giorno speciale. In qualsiasi città tu risieda: Bucarest, Parigi, New York, Los Angeles, Berlino, Londra, Oslo o Mosca Wedding Rome ti segue nelle pratiche per sposarti a Roma.
Get married in Rome and you're already
on your honeymoon

Wedding Planner Rome-Italy
The wedding day in Rome must remain in the memories of the spouses and all the guests. Choosing the perfect wedding location in Rome is undoubtedly a great start.
For this Wedding Rome offers a wide selection of unique places where to organize your wedding reception in Rome and in the province. Wedding Rome, allows you to customize the "Yes" day in every organizational aspect, offering services for the preparation of the rooms with floral arrangements, ad hoc furnishing accessories for the theme chosen and always measured with the needs of the spouses and of all The guests. Trust in Wedding Planner to organize a dream wedding in Rome. Impress your guests, choose Wedding Rome.